Calculating a solar system

How to Calculate a Solar System for Your Home in South Africa

Designing a solar system for your home involves calculating the required inverter, solar panels, and batteries based on your energy needs. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Determine Your Energy Consumption

  1. Calculate Daily Energy Use:
    • Review your electricity bills to find your average daily energy consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Alternatively, list your household appliances and their usage times to estimate this.


    • Fridge: 0.2 kWh/day
    • Lights: 1 kWh/day
    • TV: 0.5 kWh/day
    • Total Daily Consumption = 0.2 + 1 + 0.5 = 1.7 kWh/day
  1. Adjust for Seasonal Variations:
    • Consider higher energy use in winter or summer due to heating or cooling needs.

Step 2: Calculate the Size of the Solar Panels

  1. Determine Peak Sun Hours:
    • In South Africa, the average peak sun hours range between 4.5 and 6 hours per day depending on location.
  1. Calculate Required Solar Panel Capacity:
    • Use the formula:

Total Daily Consumption (kWh) ÷ Average Peak Sun Hours


    • If your total daily consumption is 1.7 kWh and you receive 5 peak sun hours:

Required Capacity=5 hours1.7 kWh​=0.34 kW≈340 W

Considering inefficiencies and potential future usage, you might scale up by 20-30%. Thus, 400-500 W might be appropriate.

  1. Number of Panels:
    • Determine the wattage of the solar panels you intend to use. For instance, if using 250W panels:

Number of Panels=  250 W panel over 400 W ≈2 panels

Step 3: Choose the Right Inverter

  1. Match Inverter Size to System Needs:
    • The inverter should handle the peak load of your home. Ensure it’s rated for at least the total wattage of your solar panels, plus some margin.


    • For a 500W solar panel setup, a 600W or higher inverter is advisable to account for peak loads and inefficiencies.
  1. Consider Inverter Type:
    • Grid-Tied: For homes connected to the utility grid, allows for exporting excess power.
    • Off-Grid: For homes entirely independent of the grid, requiring battery backup.

Hybrid: Supports both grid connection and battery storage

Step 4: Calculate Battery Storage Needs

  1. Determine Battery Capacity:
    • Batteries should store enough energy to cover your daily usage and any backup needed for outages. Calculate the total capacity required in watt-hours (Wh).


    • For a daily usage of 1.7 kWh:
    •  Battery Capacity=1.7 kWh×1000=1700 Wh
  1. Account for Depth of Discharge (DoD):
    • Batteries have a recommended DoD (e.g., 80%). Adjust the capacity to ensure longevity.
  1. Adjusted Capacity= 1700 Wh over 0.8 = 2125 Wh
  1. Calculate Number of Batteries:
    • Divide the required capacity by the individual battery capacity.


    • For 100Ah batteries at 12V:

For 100Ah batteries at 12V:

Single Battery Capacity = 100Ah × 12V = 1200Wh

Number of Batteries = 2125Wh over 1200Wh ≈ 2 batteries

Additional Considerations

  1. System Voltage: Ensure all components (panels, batteries, inverter) are compatible in terms of voltage.
  2. Safety Margins: Add extra capacity to account for future growth and inefficiencies.
  3. Professional Consultation: It’s advisable to consult with a professional solar installer to verify calculations and ensure compliance with local regulations.


By following these steps, you can estimate the size and components needed for a solar system tailored to your energy needs. For accurate sizing and installation, consider working with a professional solar installer who can provide expert guidance and ensure your system is designed for optimal performance and longevity.

How is electricity measured?

To measure electricity, we have to use Volts, Amps, and Watts to calculate the amount of electrical force being transmitted by wire or conductor. The force of the electricity moving through the wire can be measured by Volts. Amps are measured to determine how much electrical energy is being transmitted through the conductor.

How to Measure Electricity

What is Voltage

Voltage, also known as electric potential difference or electric tension, is a measure of the electric potential energy per unit charge in an electrical circuit. It’s a fundamental concept in electricity and represents the force that drives electric charges to move from one point to another within a circuit. Voltage is typically measured in volts (V).

In simpler terms, voltage can be thought of as the “push” that makes electric charges move through a conductor like a wire. Just like water flows from a higher to a lower level due to gravity, electric charges flow from an area of higher voltage to an area of lower voltage in an electrical circuit.

For example, when you plug in an electronic device, the voltage provided by the electrical outlet pushes the electric charges through the device, allowing it to operate. The difference in voltage between two points in a circuit is what we call the voltage drop and it’s what enables electrical energy to be transferred and used for various purposes.

The same principle is true for appliances which required 240 Volts if you have a 240 Voltage outlet, you can connect that appliance to the 240 Voltage outlet for power. Voltage is a great way to determine which devices would be compatible with one another.  

What is Amperage

Amperage, often referred to as “current,” is a measure of the rate at which electric charges flow through a conductor, such as a wire, in an electrical circuit. It is named after the French physicist André-Marie Ampère, who made significant contributions to the field of electromagnetism. Amperage is typically measured in amperes (A), which are also commonly referred to as “amps.”

In simpler terms, amperage tells us how many electric charges (usually electrons) pass through a specific point in a circuit per unit of time. It’s similar to the flow of water in a pipe – the more water flows through a pipe in a given time, the higher the water current.

Here’s a basic analogy to help understand the concept: Imagine a river flowing. The number of gallons of water passing by a point in the river per second is like amperage. A higher amperage means more charges (or “electricity”) are flowing through a wire each second.

In an electrical circuit, the amperage is regulated by the voltage (electric potential difference) and the resistance of the circuit. This relationship is described by Ohm’s law: Current (amperage) = Voltage / Resistance. This law indicates that the higher the voltage and the lower the resistance, the higher the amperage will be.

When using electrical devices, it’s important to match the amperage of the device with the capacity of the circuit and power source to ensure safe and proper operation. Different devices have different amperage requirements, so understanding and managing amperage is essential for electrical safety and efficiency.

Amperage is basically the amount of electricity that is being transmitted over electrical wires. Therefore, depending on a specific amperage measurement, you can calculate how thick wire you need to use for electricity transmissions for connecting electrical appliances. So, comparing amperage with our water pipe example, “amperage” will determine how thick the water pipe is for the water to flow through. This is just a comparison, never connect electricity to a water pipe, ever! So, the bigger wire is, the more electricity can flow through the wire, therefore, more electricity can be transmitted over a wire for electrical devices. However, if a wire is too small to transmit electricity for an electrical appliance, the wire will generate heat. This can lead to wires generating much heat which can lead to fires breaking out. Basically, the amperage or the energy transmitted through the wires will need to go somewhere, and if the wires are too thin, it will be released into the wire itself as heat.

What is Wattage

Wattage, often simply referred to as “watts,” is a unit of measurement that represents the rate of energy conversion or transfer in an electrical circuit. It measures how quickly energy is used or produced in an electrical system. The watt is named after the Scottish engineer James Watt, who made significant contributions to the development of the steam engine.

In terms of electricity, wattage is a measure of how much electrical energy is consumed or produced per unit of time. It’s a combination of both voltage (electric potential difference) and amperage (current). The relationship between voltage, amperage, and wattage is described by the formula:

Wattage (W) = Voltage (V) × Amperage (A)

In simpler terms, wattage tells you how much power is being used or produced in a circuit. For example, if a device has a power rating of 100 watts, it means that the device uses or produces 100 joules of energy per second.

Here are a few examples to help you understand wattage:

  • A light bulb might be rated at 60 watts. This means it uses 60 watts of electrical power when it’s turned on.
  • An electronic device, such as a computer, might have a power supply that provides 300 watts of power to the components.
  • Solar panels are often rated in terms of the maximum wattage they can generate under specific conditions.

When dealing with electrical circuits, it’s important to consider wattage to ensure that the circuit components, wires, and devices can handle the power demands without overheating or becoming overloaded. Understanding wattage is crucial for designing safe and efficient electrical systems

Wattage vs Joules

Wattage and joules are both units of measurement related to energy, but they represent different aspects of energy in different contexts.


  • Wattage measures the rate of energy transfer or consumption. It tells you how quickly energy is being used or produced.
  • The watt (W) is the unit of measurement for wattage.
  • Wattage is often used to describe the power of devices, the amount of electricity they use or produce per unit of time.


  • Joules measure the amount of energy itself, regardless of the rate at which it’s used or produced. It quantifies the total energy involved in a process.
  • The joule (J) is the unit of measurement for energy.
  • Joules are used to express the energy released or absorbed in various processes, such as mechanical work, heating, and electrical energy storage.

To put it simply, think of wattage as the speed at which energy is being used or produced, while joules represent the total amount of energy involved in a process.

Here’s an analogy to help illustrate the difference: Imagine a car driving up a hill. The wattage would be how fast the car is climbing the hill (how quickly energy is being used). The joules would be the total amount of energy required to reach the top of the hill (the energy stored in the car’s fuel that’s used to overcome gravity).

In electrical terms, wattage is often used to describe the power of devices or circuits, while joules are used to describe the total energy involved in various processes, such as the energy stored in a battery or the energy released when a light bulb is turned on.

What is Watt Hours or Wh

Watt-hours (Wh) are a unit of measurement used to quantify energy consumption or energy production over time. They are commonly used to describe the total amount of energy used by an electrical device or system. The watt-hour is a combination of the watt (unit of power) and the hour (unit of time).

Mathematically, watt-hours are calculated by multiplying the power in watts (W) by the time in hours (h):

Watt-hours (Wh) = Power (W) × Time (h)

In simpler terms, a watt-hour represents the energy consumed or produced when a device with a certain power rating operates for one hour. It’s a way to express how much energy is used or produced over a specific period.

For example:

  • If a 100-watt light bulb is turned on for 5 hours, the energy consumption is 100 watts × 5 hours = 500 watt-hours.
  • If a solar panel generates 200 watts of power for 3 hours, the energy production is 200 watts × 3 hours = 600 watt-hours.

Watt-hours are commonly used on utility bills to show how much energy a household or business has consumed during a billing period. They are also used for estimating battery capacity, understanding energy efficiency, and comparing the energy usage of different devices.

How much electricity can a battery store?

The amount of electricity a battery can store depends on several factors, including its capacity, voltage, and efficiency. Batteries are rated in terms of their capacity, which is typically measured in ampere-hours (Ah) or watt-hours (Wh). This rating indicates how much energy the battery can store and provide over a certain period of time.

Here’s a breakdown of the key concepts:

  1. Capacity (Ah or Wh):
    • Ampere-Hours (Ah): This measures the amount of electric charge a battery can deliver over time. It’s commonly used for batteries that have a relatively constant voltage, like lead-acid batteries.
    • Watt-Hours (Wh): This measures the total energy storage capacity of a battery. It takes into account both the battery’s voltage and its capacity. It’s used when the voltage of the battery can vary, as is the case with lithium-ion batteries.
  2. Voltage (V):
    • The voltage of the battery is a critical factor in determining how much energy it can store. For example, a 12-volt battery will store more energy than a 6-volt battery of the same capacity.
  3. Efficiency:
    • No battery is perfectly efficient, which means that some energy is lost as heat during the charging and discharging processes. The efficiency of a battery can affect the actual usable energy stored.
  4. Chemistry and Technology:
    • Different battery chemistries (such as lead-acid, lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride, etc.) have different energy storage capacities and characteristics.
  5. Discharge Rate:
    • Some batteries can deliver their full capacity over a longer period, while others might be designed for quick bursts of energy. The discharge rate affects how much energy you can draw from the battery in a short time.

Because of these variables, it’s important to look at the specific specifications of the battery you’re interested in. When shopping for batteries, you’ll find the capacity (Ah or Wh) and voltage (V) prominently listed. Keep in mind that the usable energy you get from a battery might be slightly less than the rated capacity due to factors like efficiency and the battery’s age.

Remember that using a battery beyond its recommended capacity or over-discharging it can lead to reduced performance, shorter lifespan, and safety risks, so it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.