Lithium-ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion) are a type of rechargeable battery technology widely used for various applications, including smartphones, laptops, electric vehicles, and solar energy storage.

Lithium-ion Battery overview

Lithium-ion Battery overview

Batteries allow us to be mobile with our power. We can now have electricity in a more compact and portable manner. But unfortunately, batteries can discharge very rapidly leaving us without our portable electricity. If you don’t have a good battery charger, the batteries are mostly thrown away and replaced with new ones. The problem with this is, this scenario is bad for the environment and each year, billions of old batteries are being disposed of. With the new rechargeable batteries on the market, this problem easily gets resolved and disposing of batteries decreased. Rechargeable batteries used in smartphones, Laptops, electric toothbrushes, electrical cars and portable music player devices, uses lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are one of the best battery types available and are constantly being improved to provide the most power without discharging too rapidly. Lithium-ion batteries was introduced around the year 1991. The chemistry which makes up lithium-ion batteries, was invented by Gilbert Lewis in the year 1912.

Problems with standard batteries

A battery is made from chemical reactions inside of a metal container or canister. If you connect both ends of a battery to a flashlight, the chemical reactions start to occur inside the battery. These chemicals are breaking apart and join themselves together thus, producing other chemicals. Therefore, a stream of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons are generated. The positively charged ions flows through the battery while, the negatively charged electrons move to the circuit where the battery is connected to. This enables electrical energy to power the flashlight from the battery. The problem with this in standard batteries is, that the reaction of chemicals takes place only once and in one direction. Therefore, standard batteries usually can’t be rechargeable.

Problems with standard batteries

Batteries that are rechargeable

Different chemical reactions take place with rechargeable batteries. Chemical inside the batteries break apart in different manners compared to standard batteries.  A rechargeable battery’s chemicals are reversible where a standard battery’s chemicals are just a one-time event. When a rechargeable battery is being discharged or used to power a flashlight, the chemical reactions move in one direction and the battery provides electricity. However, when the battery is charging, the chemical reactions move into the opposite direction and the battery receives electricity. These reactions of chemicals can occur multiple times in both directions. Therefore, a rechargeable battery or lithium-ion battery can offer you up to a 10-year lifespan. (If you take care of it).

Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are made up of power-generating cells. Each of these cells have 3 components: a negative electrode, a positive electrode and a chemical named an electrolyte between the positive and negative electrodes. The positive electrode consists of a chemical known as lithium-cobalt oxide. New lithium-ion batteries consist of lithium iron as a chemical compound for the positive electrode. Carbon (graphite) is the chemical compound which makes up the negative electrode. However, this varies depending on the battery and manufacturer of the battery.  

Lithium-ion batteries works similarly as standard batteries in a basic way. When the battery receives a charge, lithium-cobalt oxide, positive electrode loses some of its lithium ions. These lithium ions move to the negative electrode and stays there.  During this process, the lithium-ion battery absorbs and stores power. On the other hand, when the battery is being discharged, the lithium ions move the other direction to through the electrolyte to the positive electrode. Therefore, generating the energy which will be used to power the lithium-ion battery.

How lithium-ion batteries work

Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion) are a type of rechargeable battery technology widely used for various applications, including smartphones, laptops, electric vehicles, and solar energy storage. These batteries work based on the movement of lithium ions between electrodes during charging and discharging cycles. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how lithium-ion batteries work:

1. Basic Structure: A typical lithium-ion battery consists of several components, including two electrodes (cathode and anode), an electrolyte, and a separator that prevents direct contact between the electrodes.

2. Charging Process: When a lithium-ion battery is connected to a charging source, such as a charger or a solar panel, the following reactions occur at the electrodes:

Positive Electrode (Cathode): Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LiCoO2)

  • During charging, lithium ions are extracted from the cathode material (usually lithium cobalt oxide) and move through the electrolyte towards the anode.
  • The chemical reaction at the cathode is: LiCoO2 ↔ Li1-xCoO2 + xLi+ + xe-
  • Lithium ions are removed from the cathode material, leading to a reduction in the concentration of lithium cobalt oxide.

Negative Electrode (Anode): Graphite

  • At the anode, lithium ions are inserted into the graphite anode material.
  • The chemical reaction at the anode is: Li1-xC6 + xLi+ + xe- ↔ LiC6
  • Lithium ions are intercalated (inserted) into the graphite structure, forming lithium-intercalated graphite.

3. Charging Stage: As the battery charges, lithium ions move from the cathode to the anode through the electrolyte, storing energy in the form of electrochemical potential energy.

4. Discharging Process: When the battery is connected to a load, such as an electronic device or an electric vehicle, the reactions reverse, and stored energy is released as electrical energy:

Positive Electrode (Cathode): Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LiCoO2)

  • During discharge, lithium ions migrate back from the anode to the cathode through the electrolyte.
  • The chemical reaction at the cathode is reversed: Li1-xCoO2 + xLi+ + xe- ↔ LiCoO2
  • Lithium ions are reinserted into the cathode material, reversing the reduction reaction from the charging stage.

Negative Electrode (Anode): Graphite

  • At the anode, lithium ions move out of the graphite structure and travel through the electrolyte back to the cathode.
  • The chemical reaction at the anode is reversed: LiC6 ↔ Li1-xC6 + xLi+ + xe-
  • Lithium ions are extracted from the graphite, reversing the intercalation process from the charging stage.

5. Discharging Stage: As the battery discharges, the lithium ions move back from the anode to the cathode, releasing stored electrical energy.

This cyclic movement of lithium ions between the cathode and anode during charge and discharge cycles is the basis of how lithium-ion batteries work. The voltage produced by a single lithium-ion cell is typically around 3.7-3.8 volts. Multiple cells are connected in series and sometimes in parallel to achieve the desired battery voltage and capacity for various applications. Proper management systems, thermal controls, and safety measures are crucial to maximize the performance, lifespan, and safety of lithium-ion batteries.

Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are made up of power-generating cells. Each of these cells have 3 components: a negative electrode, a positive electrode and a chemical named an electrolyte between the positive and negative electrodes. The positive electrode consists of a chemical known as lithium-cobalt oxide. New lithium-ion batteries consist of lithium iron as a chemical compound for the positive electrode. Carbon (graphite) is the chemical compound which makes up the negative electrode. However, this varies depending on the battery and manufacturer of the battery.  

Lithium-ion batteries works similarly as standard batteries in a basic way. When the battery receives a charge, lithium-cobalt oxide, positive electrode loses some of its lithium ions. These lithium ions move to the negative electrode and stays there.  During this process, the lithium-ion battery absorbs and stores power. On the other hand, when the battery is being discharged, the lithium ions move the other direction to through the electrolyte to the positive electrode. Therefore, generating the energy which will be used to power the lithium-ion battery.

In both scenarios, lithium ions move in the opposite direction towards the ions around the outer circuit. However, electrons do not flow through the electrolyte. The electrolyte acts more like an insulating barrier to electrons. The flow of ions and electrons are interconnected processes, which means, if one should stop flowing, the other one will also stop. If the battery discharged completely, the ions stops moving through the electrolyte, therefore, the electrons won’t be able to flow through the outer circuit. On the other hand, if you disconnect any device that receives power from the battery, electrons will stop to flow and also the ions. The battery will keep discharging even if no device is pulling power from it. However, the rate of discharge is very slow. Lithium-ion batteries consist of electronic controllers that can be used to regulate the charge and discharge of the battery. These lithium-ion electronic controllers, also prevent the battery from overcharging, too fast charging and overheating. These factors can be dangerous as it can cause lithium-ion batteries to explode.

How lithium-ion battery charges and discharges

How lithium-ion battery charges and discharges

The movement of ions is what makes up lithium-ion batteries. If the battery is charging, the ions move in one direction. If the battery discharges, the ions will move in the opposite direction. While charging, the lithium-ions move from the positive electrode to the negative electrode through the electrolyte. Also, the electrons move from the positive electrode to the negative electrode, but electrons go all around the outer circuit. At the negative electrode, the ions and electrodes combine and unload lithium. If the flow of ions stops, it means that the battery completed its charge. However, during the discharging of the battery, ions move back through the electrolyte from the negative electrode to the positive electrode. On the other hand, electrons also move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode but flow through the outer circuit. At the positive electrode, ions and electrons combine and lithium is unloaded. In the case that all ions have flowed back, the battery is empty or discharged and will require a recharge.

Lithium-ion battery advantages

Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion) offer several advantages that make them a popular choice for a wide range of applications, from consumer electronics to electric vehicles and solar energy storage. Here are some of the key advantages of lithium-ion batteries:

1. High Energy Density: Lithium-ion batteries have a high energy density, which means they can store a significant amount of energy in a relatively compact and lightweight package. This makes them well-suited for portable devices and applications where space and weight are important factors.

2. Lightweight and Compact: Li-ion batteries are among the lightest and most compact rechargeable battery technologies available, making them ideal for mobile devices, laptops, and other portable electronics.

3. Long Cycle Life: Li-ion batteries can endure a large number of charge and discharge cycles without significant capacity loss. Depending on the specific chemistry and usage conditions, they can provide hundreds to thousands of cycles.

4. Low Self-Discharge Rate: Li-ion batteries have a low self-discharge rate, which means they retain their charge over time. This is advantageous for devices that are used intermittently or need to be ready for use without frequent recharging.

5. Fast Charging: Li-ion batteries can be charged relatively quickly compared to other rechargeable battery technologies. Advances in charging technology and management systems have further improved charging speeds.

6. High Efficiency: Li-ion batteries have high charge and discharge efficiency, which means a relatively small amount of energy is lost during the charging and discharging processes.

7. Versatility: Li-ion batteries come in various shapes and sizes, allowing for flexible design and integration into different devices and systems. This adaptability contributes to their widespread use.

8. Low Maintenance: Li-ion batteries are maintenance-free, unlike some other battery types (e.g., lead-acid) that require regular topping up with water.

9. No Memory Effect: Li-ion batteries do not exhibit a memory effect, a phenomenon where batteries lose capacity if they are recharged before being fully discharged. This means you can recharge them at any state of charge without affecting their capacity.

10. High Discharge Current: Li-ion batteries can provide high discharge currents, making them suitable for applications with high power demands, such as electric vehicles and power tools.

11. Environmentally Friendly: Compared to certain other battery chemistries, lithium-ion batteries have a lower environmental impact. Some types of Li-ion batteries are also more recyclable.

While lithium-ion batteries offer numerous advantages, it’s important to note that they also have some limitations, including safety concerns related to overheating, thermal runaway, and the potential for rare but catastrophic events. Careful design, proper management systems, and adherence to safety guidelines are crucial to mitigate these risks.

Lithium-ion battery disadvantages

Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion) have revolutionized portable electronics, electric vehicles, and energy storage, but they also come with some disadvantages and limitations. It’s important to consider these factors when choosing the right battery technology for a specific application. Here are some of the key disadvantages of lithium-ion batteries:

1. Cost: Lithium-ion batteries can be relatively expensive to manufacture, especially when compared to other battery technologies like lead-acid. While costs have been decreasing over time, they can still be a significant factor in certain applications, particularly larger-scale energy storage systems.

2. Limited Lifetime: Li-ion batteries have a finite cycle life, and their capacity gradually decreases over time. After a certain number of charge and discharge cycles, their capacity diminishes to a point where replacement becomes necessary. The number of cycles a battery can endure depends on the specific chemistry and usage conditions.

3. Sensitivity to Temperature: Lithium-ion batteries are sensitive to temperature extremes. High temperatures can accelerate the aging process and reduce battery life, while low temperatures can decrease capacity temporarily and make charging more difficult.

4. Safety Concerns: Li-ion batteries can be prone to thermal runaway, a chain reaction that can lead to overheating, fires, or explosions. While safety measures have improved significantly, incidents can still occur due to manufacturing defects, damage, or misuse.

5. Capacity Fading: Over time, the capacity of a lithium-ion battery gradually fades, even if the battery is not heavily cycled. This capacity fading can lead to reduced runtime for devices and decreased energy storage capacity for solar and backup power systems.

6. Limited Discharge Rates: While Li-ion batteries can provide high discharge currents, their ability to deliver high-power bursts is limited compared to some other battery chemistries. This can impact applications with very high power demands.

7. Complex Charging Requirements: Lithium-ion batteries require specific charging profiles and voltage limits to prevent overcharging, overdischarging, and other safety concerns. Proper charging management systems are essential for their safe and efficient operation.

8. Supply Chain Concerns: Lithium-ion battery production depends on the availability of specific raw materials like lithium and cobalt. Supply chain disruptions or changes in material prices can impact battery manufacturing and costs.

9. Environmental Impact: While lithium-ion batteries have a lower environmental impact compared to some other battery chemistries, their production and disposal still have environmental consequences. Proper recycling and disposal methods are important to mitigate their impact.

10. Limited Recycling Infrastructure: Recycling lithium-ion batteries can be challenging due to the complex materials involved. While recycling efforts are increasing, a comprehensive and efficient recycling infrastructure is still developing.

Despite these disadvantages, lithium-ion batteries remain a versatile and widely used battery technology due to their high energy density, lightweight design, and ability to power a wide range of devices and systems. Proper design, usage, and safety measures are essential to mitigate their limitations and risks.

Lithium-ion vs lithium phosphate

“Lithium-ion” and “lithium iron phosphate” (LiFePO4) are both types of lithium-based battery chemistries, but they have distinct characteristics that make them suitable for different applications. Here’s a comparison of lithium-ion batteries and lithium iron phosphate batteries:

1. Cathode Material:

  • Lithium-Ion: Lithium-ion batteries can use various cathode materials, such as lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2), lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4), and lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide (LiNiCoMnO2). Each material offers different trade-offs between energy density, cycle life, and safety.
  • Lithium Iron Phosphate: LiFePO4 batteries use lithium iron phosphate as the cathode material. This material is known for its excellent stability, safety, and long cycle life.

2. Energy Density:

  • Lithium-Ion: Lithium-ion batteries can achieve higher energy densities compared to lithium iron phosphate batteries. This means they can store more energy in a given volume or weight, making them suitable for applications where space and weight are critical.
  • Lithium Iron Phosphate: LiFePO4 batteries have lower energy density compared to some other lithium-ion battery chemistries. However, their energy density is sufficient for many applications, and they offer other advantages.

3. Cycle Life:

  • Lithium-Ion: Depending on the specific cathode material and usage conditions, lithium-ion batteries can provide good cycle life, but it can vary significantly. Some formulations may have shorter cycle lives due to issues like capacity fading.
  • Lithium Iron Phosphate: LiFePO4 batteries are known for their exceptional cycle life. They can endure a high number of charge and discharge cycles without significant capacity degradation, making them suitable for applications where longevity is a priority.

4. Safety:

  • Lithium-Ion: Safety can be a concern for some lithium-ion battery chemistries due to the risk of thermal runaway, especially if the battery is punctured, damaged, or charged improperly. Advances in safety features and management systems have reduced these risks.
  • Lithium Iron Phosphate: LiFePO4 batteries are considered to be among the safest lithium-based battery chemistries. They are more stable and less prone to thermal runaway, making them suitable for applications where safety is a top concern.

5. Thermal Stability:

  • Lithium-Ion: Some lithium-ion battery chemistries, such as lithium cobalt oxide, can be sensitive to high temperatures, which can lead to safety concerns and reduced lifespan.
  • Lithium Iron Phosphate: LiFePO4 batteries have better thermal stability and are less sensitive to high temperatures, making them suitable for applications where temperature variations are common.

6. Application Suitability:

  • Lithium-Ion: Lithium-ion batteries are commonly used in a wide range of applications, including smartphones, laptops, electric vehicles, and energy storage systems.
  • Lithium Iron Phosphate: LiFePO4 batteries are particularly well-suited for applications where safety, long cycle life, and temperature stability are critical, such as solar energy storage, backup power systems, electric vehicles, and industrial applications.

When choosing between lithium-ion batteries and lithium iron phosphate batteries, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of your application, including energy density, cycle life, safety, and thermal characteristics. Each chemistry has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice should align with your priorities and needs.